JoyCon III!A Weekend of Larps
Cost for playing in any one or all larps is $20. The fee (and any donations, gratefully accepted) will be used to pay for various expenses.REGISTRATION Is NOW OPEN. The link to the registration form has been sent to the JoyCon Groups.io list, as well as the Fête Fatale Groups.io list. Email Murder1 at fetefatale dot com for questions or if you need the link.
How Registration and Game Assignment Will WorkAt the first JoyCon, we largely lucked into a great way to handle registration for a small event like this. Ten days after registration opened, we had many more registrants than we had game slots to fill. Rather than letting the people who happened to register first get into all the games they wanted--and leaving later registrants with none--we distributed assignments so that 1) everyone got their first and/or second game, 2) everyone got into roughly the same number of games, while 3) not assigning people to games they had already played. This may seem like a lot of work, just so we could feel like we were "being fair." But the REAL benefit of this approach became apparent the final few days before JoyCon, as we were notified by players who had to drop a game or even the entire weekend: we already KNEW who wanted to play the games we now had open spots for. We could simply contact those attendees and see if they were available/still wanted to play. Therefore, we're going to do much the same thing again, with registrants selecting games in order of preference. Hopefully we can use this to better refine our game assignment distribution? We're trying our best over here. |
The Games:
Saturday afternoon, 1 to 4pm (21 players)Brest or BustBy Graham Arnold, Clare Gardner, and Sue Lee
Saturday evening, 7p to
midnight (29 players)
Sunday afternoon, 1 to 3pm (13
players); potential second run 4 to 6pm