JoyCon II!A Weekend of Larps
The original JoyCon in September was so successful, we're doing it again!At JoyCon II, Alison will be running her newest game, The Four Realms, on Saturday evening, plus Devil to Pay from several years ago on Friday evening. Saturday afternoon will have a superhero game, and Sunday afternoon a fairytale game.Cost for playing in any one or all four larps is $20. The fee (and any donations, gratefully accepted) will be used to pay for Alison's travel expenses.REGISTRATION IS OPEN. The link to the registration form has been sent to the JoyCon Groups.io list, as well as the Fête Fatale Groups.io list . Email Murder1 at fetefatale dot com if you have any questions or for a link to be directly emailed to you.
How Registration and Game Assignment Will WorkLast year, we largely lucked into a great way to handle registration (in the current Age of Plague). Ten days after registration, we had over 40 registrations, even though the biggest game was just over 30 players. Rather than letting the first people who registered get into all the games they wanted, while leaving those who didn't register until 5 days later out of luck, we opted to 1) ensure that people who only registered for one or two games were assigned to those, 2) not assign people to a game they had already played, and 3) distribute game assignments so that nearly everyone who registered for all four got assigned to three games. This may seem like a lot of work, just so we could feel like we were "being fair." But the REAL benefit of this approach became apparent the final few days before JoyCon, as we got notified by players who had to drop a game or even the entire weekend: we already KNEW who wanted to play the games we now had open spots for. We could simply contact those attendees and see if they were available/still wanted to play. Therefore, for this year, we're going to do much the same thing, although this time registration form will include questions as to which of the games you're registering for is your number one priority and which is your number 2 priority. Hopefully we can use this to better refine our game assignment distribution? We're trying our best over here. |
The Games:
Saturday afternoon, 1-5pMeanwhile, on the other side of Megalopolis…Written and run by David Cave, Elisa Ford, Kathleen Fuller, Susan SchmidtIt's Friday night in Megalopolis and the Marquis of Malfeasance has called a summit of supervillains, the heroes are discussing the Lavender Incident, the sidekicks are having their regular game night, and the henchpeople are plotting. More details. |
Saturday evening, 7p to midnightThe Four RealmsWritten and run by Alison Joy Schafer <3 & Kristen
Sunday afternoon, 1-5pThe Princess of NorlandWritten and run by Katie Giacomini KoglinThe youngest princess of Norland is getting married, but the identity of groom is still being worked out. On top of that, some of the people involved in the negotiations might be thinking of other things. This is a fairytale themed LARP where happily ever after might not be so easy. More details. |